Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

Well, today is the day that we announce the lucky winner of Debbie’s Famous Flying Pig!!!!

Some of you might remember when I took you garage saling with my Mom and Debbie. This was probably my highest viewed video! If you haven’t had a chance to see it…here’s a link: We packed that van that day!!! We found so much stuff! Debbie even found this AWESOME pig!!! It was absolutely grand, and one of the items that I get most asked about!

Anyway, just a little back story… Debbie got started collecting flying pigs is after her sister said, “Well, you can come over and clean my house.” Debbie replied, “When pigs fly!” and that’s when she started to collect flying pigs. She has a number of flying pigs…they all are so cute! I love the one that she has next to a pitcher with wooden spoons in it.

Anyhow, I’ve had so many comments and questions about the flying pig that Debbie bought that day!!! I had people wanting to buy Debbie’s pig, people asking if there were any markings on the pig, where can you buy this pig, and I even had one person even make their own flying pig in our Facebook group!!!

As my store was about to open, Debbie said to me,” I’ve decided to raffle off my pig for your grand opening! I couldn’t believe it!!! So, that day the raffle for Debbie’s Flying Pig began!!! We gave everyone a little extra time to get down to the store and enter and decided to hold the drawing on June 1st, 2023.

Today, we picked the WINNER of the raffle for the Flying Pig!!! Debbie came by the store and picked the lucky ticket from the glass jar! (Nail Biting!)

So, with much joy….I’d like to announce that LISA CHAMBERLAIN….you are the LUCKY WINNER OF THE FLYING PIG RAFFLE!!!! WoOoo HoOOOo!!! You can come and pick up your pig!!!

I want to thank everyone who participated in the drawing!!! I wish I could give away more than one, because I know you all had wanted to take it home, but sadly there is only one!!! Again, thank you to everyone who participated and a BIG congratulations to Lisa Chamberlain, who is now the proud owner of one very famous pig!!! XOXO




Sheep Planter